God touched the heart of Nellie Druillard, a woman of means and ability, to provide the necessary financing to establish the new school to train gospel workers. She, along with Sutherland and Magan, formed the Nashville Agricultural-Normal Institute later renamed Madison College.Today, Clear Voice is hearing the same call to begin a school for the training of soul winners. The school will launch with online classes, providing an opportunity for those who cannot afford the time or the money to attend a physical school, to be trained in their own homes, at their own pace.Clear Voice needs funds for office space, video equipment for streaming classes, and to support our teaching, IT and administrative staff who are now volunteering. Nellie Druillard answered the call for funding. I’m asking you to do the same. You can mail your tax-deductible gift to Clear Voice, 2791 Baker Lake Road, Newport, WA 99156, or click the Donate button above or call (800) 875-1776. More soul winners are urgently needed now and you can help make it happen. Thank you for your generous support.

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